A 27-year-old man has been arrested after allegedly setting up an orgy with prostitutes. Japan’s leading newspaper…
A ton of Nintendo fans in the UK have been left without the games they pre-ordered after a truck full of copies of Sp…
An unnamed 17 year-old kid has been arrested, and may face felony charges, after being caught organising a DDOS…
Thirty-year old Akihide Yamamoto has been arrested for allegedly selling cheats for online shooter Alliance of…
Oh, don’t tell me you’ve never wanted to do the same thing.
Two men were arrested this past Sunday for allegedly robbing a young woman in Itanhaém, Brazil. The crime was…
Fredrik Neij, one of the founders of The Pirate Bay, was arrested last year. He had been planning on spending his…
Trib Live reports that Hubert Wingate, a 30 year-old from Homewood, Pittsburgh, is currently facing charges of…
And, get this, it’s the dude he was visiting who’s accused of stealing them.
Anders Christian “Rullox” Johannsen, a veteran Counter-Strike player from Denmark, is lucky to be alive today after…
A 13-year-old kid from Camarillo, California was arrested earlier this month and has since confessed to three acts…
Shaun Himmerick, producer on Mortal Kombat X, is the latest games industry professional to step away from Twitter…
Gamers attending a monthly social gathering at Digital Press Video Games in Clifton, New Jersey Saturday evening had…
In Gifu, Japan, a sixteen-year-old young man was visiting a friend's house to play video games when a neighbor…
Japanese police are currently scouring the country for a 19-year-old YouTuber. His alleged crime? Stealing snacks…
Jason Allen Neff, who last year pleaded guilty to a variety of crimes related to his role in a group who thought "swa…
Hajime Satomi, the CEO of Sega Sammy, is one of Japan's richest individuals. And early this morning, there was a…
A resident of Alexandria, Minnesota contacted the police earlier this month to report that someone entered his house…
The act of "swatting", or sending armed police to somebody's house as a prank, is up there with about the dumbest…