For some people the inclusion of female combatants in fighting games is an indicator that women can be just as…
The Nintendo 3DS will come with six augmented reality cards. But what does that mean?
Here's a quick look at the freebies built into the 3DS.
A handful of mothers were totally freaked out by sci-fi game Dead Space 2. Those moms are pansies.
This year, China is releasing a new controller-free gaming console. New for China, that is, as the world already…
You may have seen these cheap LCD games offered as McDonalds Happy Meal toys before. They've been run in several…
What would Halo: Combat Evolved look like if it had been made for the Nintendo Entertainment System? Expert…
Then perhaps you'll find the game Orion: Prelude of interest. It combines Tribes and Counter-Strike influence with…
We already told you that 14-year-old Robert Nay's free Bubble Ball is more popular than Angry Birds on iTunes…
The force of a gravity hammer will not save you from a terrible fall (in Halo; probably also in real life). That and…
Some people say Superman 64 is the worst video game ever made, but why trust them? One brave man is doing the…
Electronic Arts' latest Dead Space 2 campaign is brilliant. Why? Because it uses the power of the disapproving mom…
In September Company of Heroes Online lead designer Brian Wood was killed in a car crash. His pregnant wife Erin…
He doesn't talk about it much, but either Conan O'Brien is a gamer or someone on his team is. How else do you…
Devil May Cry hero Dante has many, many moves in next month's Marvel vs. Capcom 3. You can see a whole lot of them…
What better way to kick off a Tuesday then a little dead zombie hooker action? Right?
Tom Saville, an animator at Bungie Studios, had a great job on Halo: Reach. He got to do all the stabbings. Here,…
While every second person in China has their hands on a PlayStation Phone, the honour of the world's first PSP2…
What started out as a wonderful indie computer game has become a wonderful indie iPad game.
This is not your out-of-the-box Fallout: New Vegas. This is Project Nevada, an ambitious mod for New Vegas that…