And I thought it was weird that I played Duke Nukem Forever on Friday at PAX 2010. Did I also play a new Sonic…
And I thought it was weird that I played Duke Nukem Forever on Friday at PAX 2010. Did I also play a new Sonic…
This year NBA Elite 11 introduces a singleplayer "Become Legendary" career mode. The crux of your advancement…
At the Penny Arcade Expo out here in Seattle, Valve Software is showing some Portal 2 co-op in action. I got to see…
When Namco Networks brings WiiWare title Bit.Trip Beat to the iPhone it will include multiplayer and a slew of new…
Meet the Heavy and ignore, for a minute his massive weight loss instead listening to his monologue about his gun,…
Yes, Gearbox Software really is turning the perpetual vaporware Duke Nukem Forever into a real live video game…
Why wait for Ubisoft's flight combat game H.A.W.X. 2 to come out for your console when you can play a fantastic…
If I learned anything from Unreal Tournament, it's that two automatic pistols are better than one, and holding…
In this new video we get a chance to check out another "recommendation" from Need for Speed Hot Pursuit's Autolog.
You may think that both Portal and Left 4 Dead are recent games, developed for contemporary game machines. Nope.…
Because the world was in need of something particularly soft and precious right now, Nintendo of Japan has…
Gameplay video for NBA Elite has been conspicuously rare up to now. Yesterday, Operation Sports got its hands on…
Nearly nine years after the game's release on Nintendo's GameCube, an Easter Egg that unlocks a verbally abusive…
Many sports gamers imagine backstories and outside-the-lines interactions for their created players. NBA 2K11's…
Click to viewMega Man Universe, which will be making an appearance at this weekend's PAX, looks pretty great.
Sometimes, the obsession with guns in video games gets ridiculous. So we're celebrating acts of "gunfusion." Here…
If you missed yesterday's Apple event, you may have also missed Gears of War and Unreal Engine developer Epic…
In this video The Creative Assembly's Land Battle Programmer Ingimar Gudmunsson and Studio Communications Manager…
Welcome back Kevin Butler, VP of wonderful advertising, we've missed you.