Gameplay video for NBA Elite has been conspicuously rare up to now. Yesterday, Operation Sports got its hands on directly captured gameplay video from EA Sports, giving five minute looks at the flow of the player-vs.-player and player-vs-CPU action.
That first video above is a player-on-player game, which OS says took place between NBA Elite producer Novell Thomas and community manager Yaw Obiri-Yeboah. The video below is Thomas, as the Pistons, taking on a CPU-controlled Oklahoma City.
Both games give a long look at the new ESPN presentation in this year's series. They also seem to answer the criticism that the lack of gameplay videos to now meant the game had something to hide. The usual notation, that this is on a pre-release build with some tuning forthcoming, applies here.
NBA Elite 11 OS Exclusive Video: Oklahoma City Thunder @ Detroit Pistons
NBA Elite 11 OS Exclusive Video: Milwaukee Bucks @ New York Knicks [Operation Sports]