Some of those at PAX over the weekend got to see a new gameplay clip of Infamous 2. Since that likely wasn't you,…
Some of those at PAX over the weekend got to see a new gameplay clip of Infamous 2. Since that likely wasn't you,…
The majority of this clip for The Old Republic shows everything that is wrong with both Star Wars' expanded universe…
Aided by a standard-issue Street Fighter IV FightStick, this guy pulls off all of Ryu's Trials in Super Street…
The latest developer diary for Splash Damage's Brink gives us a peek into the minds behind the game, and what…
Kinect might not be able to read a Big Daddy's Poker Face, but it doesn't seem to have any trouble reading the…
I noted earlier this week that iPhone game Hoggy was free on iTunes. But why should you care, even if it is still…
Platinum Games' third-person shooter isn't just about missile-launching robots in space, there's also a plot that…
What's all this about powerful, mythic thongs created by a master craftsman?
This is a sequel of sorts to 2009's amazing "8-Bit Trip", by Swedes remdreglade. They're back, with a new name (Ninja…
We recently reported that Independent Games Festival grand-prize-winning heist game Monaco was given a graphical…
This winter, role-playing game Ni no Kuni will be released on the Nintendo DS. Know what that means? Marketing blitz!
Unattended, unlabeled, unmarked... the new game from the small team led by Braid creator Jonathon Blow was…
Dark Energy's new game, Hydrophobia, has evolved from tech demo to flagship title of Microsoft's fall push of Xbox…
For those of you who like to play games that make you worry your console might melt, consider the frenetic…
At PAX, LucasArts is showing off what person after person keeps calling Star Wars Smash Bros. Wrong?
The wait to use your Rock Band or Guitar Hero drums against the undead is almost over. Here at Penny Arcade Expo,…
Back in July, our Luke Plunkett wrote about the high-tech future of board games. Then we saw a canned demo of…
Here for your enjoyment is the full, nearly 7-minute long opening cinematic sequence for upcoming Wii game, Disney…
Nintendo's new game at Penny Arcade Expo 2010 is Fluidity, a downloadable WiiWare game that has you sloshing water…