Champions Online developer Cryptic has dropped details and dates for its upcoming "open" beta test, with 50,000…
Cryptic has announced the preorder bonuses for their upcoming massively-multiplayer online superhero game Champions…
After some hands-on time with Champions Online earlier this month, I pronounced myself skeptical of the combat…
Champions Online executive producer Bill Roper walks us through creating a character in Cryptic's upcoming…
Last night, Cryptic Studios held an event that was all about the player versus player combat in its upcoming…
Attention, comic book nerds and MMO fans! Champions Online, which has been in closed beta for a while now, will next…
It's an all-out battle between your computer and the forces of system requirements, as Cryptic reveals the stats…
Just when the morning seemed destined to fall at the nefarious hands of evil, new Champions Online screenshots…
A true superhero knows when to boldly charge into battle and when to delay your game for a couple of months in…
The new, bigger E3 is a little smaller today, as Atari has confirmed that it is no longer exhibiting at the show.
Strategy Informer reports on an event taking place over in the UK today, where Cryptic Executive Producer Bill…
One of the big problems with City of Heroes has always been the inability to make a convincing Spider-Man clone.…
Champions Online developer Cryptic Studios has admitted to sending representatives into NCsoft's City of Heroes in…
Developer Cryptic Studios shows it's not afraid to get its feet wet, with the introduction of Lemuria, a deadly…
Cryptic Studios makes a game out of the vast character customization options in their upcoming superhero MMO…
In the latest edition of their Champions Online Q&A feature, developer Cryptic details how powers in their upcoming…
While there really isn't all that much to see in the wide shots presented in what amounts to an animated holiday…
A eagle-eyed reader has spotted an ad on Craigslist for a PS3 Engine Programmer. Nothing particularly unusual in…
Cryptic Studios hired Bill Roper, former Director of Blizzard Entertainment and co-founder of Flagship Studios , as…
Pow! Thwack! Other cliched superhero noises that may not have anything to do with this game! Champions Online is…