You've read the rumors. It's happening now. Join in the chat below and for the next hour, let's talk about the first…
Kotaku has fielded many complaints from PlayStation 3 users that their version of Modern Warfare 2 has been ridden…
This morning, Fox brought its "fair and balanced" reporting to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The headline? "A…
As seen in the upstairs shower in the cabin in MW2 by reader Adam.
The official localized version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 won't be out in Japan until December 10. That…, hearing your cries for more Modern Warfare 2 coverage, brings word today that Infinity Ward's newly…
Modern Warfare 2 garnered an absurd amount of attention from not just this site, but seemingly everyone with its…
PC gamers choosing to get their Modern Warfare 2 fix through Steam were expecting to have to wait until November the…
As promised/threatened, Kotaku's Game Club returns tomorrow. And now I can put a time on that: 2pm Kotaku Time…
Just one of many video game stores preparing for the Modern Warfare 2 onslaught. Sent in by Stephen, picture by…
Sergeant Gary "Roach" Sanderson answers the call of duty in the highly charged Modern Warfare 2, developer Infinity…
Brilliant. Ice-T, ready to roll through buildings at the Modern Warfare 2 launch tonight. As seen on Giant Bomb.
Tonight's the night you can go stand out in the darkness and wait to give your money to a store in exchange for a…
This morning, when I jumped back into Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer, over 37,000 Xbox Live gamers were…
As part of the New York Modern Warfare 2 festivities, Activision played the game's trailer on the ground of Union…
A day after the United States' biggest games-only retailer, GameStop started selling Modern Warfare 2 early,…
Mad Catz is releasing a slew of goodies and peripherals for tomorrow's launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and…
Yes, we understand that you'll be boycotting Modern Warfare 2 because you want dedicated servers or are offended by…
GameStop's top spokesman contacted Kotaku on Sunday evening to confirm that certain of its stores broke Modern…
GameStops in Northeastern states such as New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio are selling Call of Duty: Modern Warfare…