Can you believe the hype you hear from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo at each year's big E3 circus of video games?…
Here's "Generic Geoff," taking us through a free-for-all victory (on combat training) in just under three minutes.…
They're sick of waiting. And now some are crossing over to the other side.
Just imagine how connected we'd be if everyone spent as much time on Facebook as they did shooting each other.…
A pair of retail sources informs Kotaku that a Call of Duty: Black Ops PlayStation 3 bundle will be available in…
The Colbert Report tackled the latest innovation in Madden NFL 12 last night, with pseudo-conservative host…
It's not enough that you can play as the stars of Machete, The Walking Dead, A Nightmare On Elm Street and Buffy…
Dropped on a mysterious, ice-covered Siberian island, Call of the Dead has players control a dream-team of zombie…
Here are a zoo-full of new screenshots from the next Call of Duty: Black Ops map pack, Escalation, which show off…
Players of Call of Duty: Black Ops, be careful where you toss your grenades. The consequences can be... well,…
Confirming last week's rumors, Activision and Treyarch have officially announced the Escalation map pack for Call…
Activision's massively successful Call of Duty: Black Ops appears set to expand in May with the "Escalation" Content…
"Every day, someone is killed by a total fucking bullshit tomahawk throw in Call of Duty: Black Ops. These are…
Today in Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter WhoKnew? wants to know where all of the Call of Duty hate is coming from. Is…
The technology behind popular brain-control games like Star War's Force Trainer and Mindflex could make future…
Caught by a gamer at the recent NBA All-Star game, here's Miami Heat superstar LeBron James talking about which…
I have very publicly championed Call of Duty: Black Ops. I found the single player provoking, the multiplayer…
Long hours, hard work, crap weather. Then there's the boredom, the long hours of boredom, followed by the bursts of…
The first map pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops, dubbed First Strike, will be released for the PlayStation 3 and PC…
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. war veterans suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder brought on by their…