YouTube is clogged with drearily long replays of Call of Duty: Black Ops. They account for most of the most…
Josh Olin, Community Manager at Call of Duty: Black Ops developers Treyarch, thinks that "pundits" and "angry…
Since its launch in November, Treyarch's Call of Duty: Black Ops has racked up more than 5 billion headshots, downed…
Call of Duty: Black Ops' four newest maps add a healthy mix of new places to run and gun, hide and shoot, play and…
An ordinary gamer is cleaning his Xbox Live inbox of dozens of friend requests each day, most of them containing a…
Lurking somewhere beneath this striking Left 4 Dead style First Strike zombie poster are a series of screens…
Here are some screenshots of "Stadium", one of the new maps included with Black Ops' first DLC.
It was a contentious fight: Which game of 2010 was the absolute best of the year? But we've reached a conclusion…
We have four finalists in our 2010 Game Of The Year awards. All worthy contenders, but as has been pointed out, all…
Seems like that innocent little Xbox 360 update yesterday wasn't just to restore the option to boot the console…
The numbers, Mason, are 59Fifty, the fitted New Era cap style for two models of Black Ops lids, $2 from each sale…
What makes a game a game of the year?
In multiplayer shooters, I'm the worst, and peripherals offer the seductive idea of an advantage. CTA Digital's…
A huffy customer support worker at Activision, no doubt fed up dealing with people complaining about Call of Duty:…
A real-world tragedy is a triumph for Activision and developer Treyarch. Dutch infographic makers Spijkermat…
Selecting the best game of the year should be the result of a thoughtful process, not a rush to the finish line.
Suicide, laughter, and the believed death of a communist leader. These were just some of my ten favorite moments…
This is not Call of Duty. This is a game made by Gameloft, a company that has mastered the art of flattery.
One of several clichés of modern military first-person shooters lamented by the jokers at Cracked. Oversimplifying?…
Call of Duty publisher Activision has been talking about new ways to make even more money from its shoot 'em up…