Bizarre Creations' combat-racer Blur is coming May 25, and your choice of preorder locations determines which ride…
In our line of work here at Kotaku we see games early, before they come out. Sometimes these games change, before…
Because of the overwhelming demand for access to upcoming racer Blur's multiplayer beta, the folks at Bizarre…
The outfit responsible for Project Gotham Racing and the forthcoming Blur joined us today to talk racin' with Kotaku…
Kotaku Talk Radio is coming to you live RIGHT NOW with special guest Bizarre Creations' Gareth Wilson, a lead…
Join us later today on Kotaku Talk Radio to chat with two of Bizarre Creations lead designers about their upcoming…
Join us tomorrow on Kotaku Talk Radio to chat with Bizarre Creations about their upcoming racer Blur.
Activision and Bizarre Creations continue to refine the online experience of upcoming combat racer Blur, increasing…
Blur's developers do have plans for DLC but they don't intend to put any out at launch. In fact, no dates have been…
The Twitter-integrated challenge system in Blur allows players to send friends times to beat, regardless of what…
Due out this spring for the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, Blur is a like Project Gotham Racing meets Mario Kart... if they…
Plenty of Fileplanet subscribers tipped us to a solicitation that went out overnight, inviting them to "exclusive…
Bizarre Creations' Blur is hopping on the Twitter bandwagon, giving players the ability to send customized Tweets…
Bizarre Creations' luminescent racing video game Blur, its first title for owner Activision, will be getting a beta…
90's Britpop sensations Blur are the latest musical artists revealed to have undergone the rock block treatment for …
Another game drops from the 2009 holiday season lineup, as Activision pushes the finish line on Bizarre Creations'…
In the five years I have been covering video games professionally there's one thing a video game company had never…
Well, here's one game not peeing its pants at the first sight of the words "Modern Warfare 2." Activision (which…
Bizarre Creation's combat racer Blur is speeding to store shelves this November, and which store you buy it from…
Bizarre is no stranger to high-action racing, but they're doing something completely different with Blur, the first…