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Blur Xbox 360 Beta Begins Monday

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Plenty of Fileplanet subscribers tipped us to a solicitation that went out overnight, inviting them to "exclusive access into a highly classified Xbox 360 beta event!" that begins March 8. Those who have signed up tell us it is for Blur.

This barely qualifies as a rumor. Earlier this month Activision CEO Mike Griffith announced the Blur multiplayer beta would begin in March, but didn't specify a date.


While keys for the beta are limited, getting access to it seems simple enough. You have to be an Xbox Live Gold member and a hold a Fileplanet subscription, which begins at $6.95 a month. You must also take two surveys, one pre- and one post-beta, and pinky-swear to actively participate in the beta.


The last information we have is that Blur is due out in the spring, which is just around the corner. Anyway, that link below is a big ole free ad for Fileplanet, but it's where you can go to get an account and sign up if you are that into Blur.


Update: Activision confirms it is indeed for Blur. They also confirm they'll be giving us 100 to give away starting tomorrow.

Fileplanet Exclusive Xbox 360 Beta Event [Fileplanet]