The new Blood Bowl 2 trailer features footage of an Orcs versus Humans game:
Nearly 25 years old as a board game, Blood Bowl has a strong history among fantasy gamers for presenting…
This is why elves don't generally make good football players.
Cyanide Studios' Blood Bowl scores a retail release next year courtesy of SouthPeak Interactive, carrying the video…
The PC adaptation of the Games Workshop board game that put the fantasy in fantasy football is getting a free dose…
After a bit of legal wrangling over Cyanide's last fantasy football release, Chaos League, the developer and Games…
Cyanide Studios' video game version of the classic tabletop fantasy football game Blood Bowl has a brand new…
Like any battle between good and evil, the fantasy football face-offs in Cyanide's Blood Bowl are ultimately…
Rounding out a week filled with Blood Bowl team teases, Cyanide finally releases the full trailer for their video…
The Blood Bowl battle continues, as Cyanide brings us yet another video for the fantasy football board game…
Blood Bowl is the second adaptation of the classic Games Workshop fantasy football board game, pitting the creatures…
The second video game adaptation of Game's Workshop classic fantasy football board game Blood Bowl is coming soon,…
This is how you skirt the NFL license, folks. Ogres, orcs, dwarves and humans settling their differences on the…