Like any battle between good and evil, the fantasy football face-offs in Cyanide's Blood Bowl are ultimately decided by who has the best-looking cheerleaders.
Or is that the other way around? Do the cheerleaders make the team, or do they simply look better when their side is winning? Either way, we can judge the qualities of the cheerleaders for the battle between the Wood Elves and the forces of Chaos objectively, seeing as we aren't sure which side is winning in this set of 10 new screens for Blood Bowl, the fantasy football game based on the classic board game from Games Workshop.
I'm probably going to have to go Chaos on this one. While the Wood Elves are sporting the ever-tasteful under-bottom revealing miniskirts, there's just something about a girl in a giant orange mohawk.
Update: The real answer, as it has been pointed out to us, is the Wood Elves, as the one on the left is a Wood Elven wardancer, who just looks rather chaotic. Thanks Abriael! We'll reactivate your commenting rights as soon as you stop making us feel silly on Friday afternoon.
Blood Bowl is due for release in Q2 2009 for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation Portable, and Nintendo DS.