Artist Seungjin Woo's redesign of Iron Man is rather large and getting into it might require a bit more coordination…
Assassin's Creed Unity has some very pretty concept art. This GIF was made from a series of three drawings depicting the Café Théâtre, posted by Ubisoft's David Alvarez to the Polycount forum's Unity art dump thread. Check it out to see some more of the textures, models and concepts people have created for the game. Read more
This Minecraft build wasn't inspired by a real hotel, which is a shame 'cause I'd love to go there. It actually reminds me a bit of the Panau Falls Casino from Just Cause 2. In any case, the build is called the Twin Palms Hotel and it was submitted to Planet Minecraft by Jaden024. Look below for more screenshots. Read more
Previously, Kotaku introduced an incredibly difficult-looking maze that a father created over thirty years ago for…

Canadian digital artist Sakimichan does stunning portraits of famous manga and anime characters—often bending…
The link to this story was actually sent out by the official Deus Ex twitter account, and with good reason: some of…
That is, if you have talent and a relentless work ethic. Don't believe me? Ask Kouji Tajima.
The Turtles stepped into too much ooze and got 100% more badass in Allen Geneta's fan-art. Compared to these, their crazy mutant nemesis Slash looks like a nice guy. Read more
Remember the horrible, face-melting glitch from Assassin's Creed Unity that was making the rounds? Well it looks…
Ever since Sonic the Hedgehog's new look debuted back in February, longtime video game lovers have been weighing in…

Instead, it's a series of 3D-animated shorts showing what Minecraft could be if it was, well, not more…
A sequel to Buckaroo Banzai isn't in the works as far as we know. And that's terrible. But if Hollywood ever comes…
30 years sounds crazy, but Dragon Ball's about to reach that milestone. To celebrate, Q-Pop in LA will host an art…
For example, the grass color changes. Along with everything else. Four years is a long time.
To promote the upcoming Attack on Titan art exhibit in Tokyo, the show's website launched an online Titan creator.…
There's more to do than study at school. For example, you can draw amazing pictures on the chalk board. So, let's…
In case you're asleep by the time it's posted, almost every night on Kotaku I run a feature called Fine Art. It's a…
Brainstorm is a Facebook group where artists can take part in various challenges. This month, the challenge was to…
Thanks to artist Nina Matsumoto' Dragon Ball X Seinfeld piece, now I can totally imagine Dragon Ball Elaine kicking…