If you've ever been in the presence of priceless art, you may have at one point or another considered punching it (do…

Ghosts 'n Goblins sure looks grim as a current-gen game. The shots are from a seven-week, eight-person student project where the goal was to "recreate the classic game with a next-gen look in Unreal Engine 4." Well, they succeeded. The fruits of their labors, a two-minute video and five HD shots, are below.
Gonzalo Ordoñez Arias, aka Genzoman, is one of the best artists on the planet. Here is his take on Smash Bros., and…

Sonya Belousova is one of today's most accomplished young composers and pianists. Watch her demonstrate her skill…

CD Projekt Red recently delayed The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt from February 2015 to May 2015. That's three months. It…
Strange, yet lovely Animal Crossing art from a Japenese Pixiv user, who transformed a screenshot of 3DS game into…
Just another adventure for Calvin and Hobbes. This eight-inch-tall figure was sculpted and hand-painted by Emily Coleman of emilySculpts.com. The piece took Coleman 25 hours to complete, who noted that "sculpting comic strip characters is very very hard." Head over to her DeviantArt gallery for more sculpty goodness. Read more
Michael Baxter, an Australian prison guard, has more Simpsons characters tattooed on his body than I can either…
Here's two out of the six minimalist Mass Effect posters released by artist Noble-6 yesterday. You can find the rest below, and if you dig the style, make sure to check out the guy's Redbubble portfolio here or DeviantART page here. He's covered a whole lot, from Halo and Starcraft to Star Wars and Half-Life. Read more
Back is September, First 4 Figures revealed the first in their new line of Mega Man statues. It was nice, if a bit…
Here's a really cool new perspective on DustII (or de_dust2), one of the most popular maps in Counter-Strike: Global…
I can see myself playing something like pixel artist Kracov's isometric, 2D version of Doom for hours, trying to…
Some Pokémon with the ability to fly, like the three-headed Dodrio above, just look too weird for us to believe…
The Dreamcast has four controller ports. I can think of no more perfect use for them than these four custom…
For the past few years, Tumblr user 1041uuuha has been creating terrific animated GIFs that look like the most…
The famed anime creator has been busying himself with other projects. Book covers, for example.
These speed paintings are the work of concept artist Lap Pun Cheung and they pretty much sum up the first few hours…

The build was created by Microsoft Sweden's event manager, Daniel Steinholtz—and after finishing the map itself,…
I've finally given up on Destiny. And feel like a better man for having kicked the habit. But boy, if there's one…
The purple poisonous Weezing with its connected heads isn't the nicest looking Pokémon out there, but JRCoffron's…