This has to be one of the most relaxing pieces of Pokémon fan-art. Inspired by 'Twitch plays Pokémon', mizudokei drew the main character and his Pokémon having a rest... somewhere around Pallet Town. But that's just my guess. Read more

Here's Dark Souls II with the chosen ones gathering around the bonfire, reimagined in glorious 16-bit by pixel-wizard Bandygrass. Pretty neat animation, and it reminds me of the superb character selection screen in Diablo II. Read more

Here's Fox Mccloud and Falco from Star Fox, reimagined by artist Oscar Römer in a somewhat realistic way. Speaking of which, a new Star Fox game with a similar design would be pretty cool. Read more

These incredible Pokemon Red, Blue & Green posters are by Marinko Millsevski. Before you ask can you buy them, yes, you can buy them.

Not every superhero has the powers of Dr. Manhattan or Deadpool, so they get old and worn out eventually. A charming

Inspired by various stop-motion movies, Gabriel Salas used the exact same 3D tools and a hand-made diorama to create this really special Legend of Zelda fan-art. I'd love to see something like this coming to life as an animated-short. Read more

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Don't Move is supposedly a game about "ludonarrative dissonance and player investment manipulation." What it actually looks like is a twisted social experiment of some sort. But in any case, it's on Greenlight. And if it gets on Steam, it will cost a dollar, apparently. Hmmm.
