Not as cuddly as his plush counterpart, but undeniably badass.

It's always lovely when the cultural iconography of gaming fuses with other forms of art to become something new,…
Like something straight out of cult horror show Tales from the Crypt (or Braindead, even), these Pokémon…
Turns out Scorpion was drunk all the time in Mortal Kombat. Now that Szarvas on Tumblr has put the character's…
These aren't official figures. Those are coming, and they look OK. No, these figures are sadly one-off pieces for an…
Creepypastas, or scary stories that circulate primarily on the internet, might frighten the heck out of us—but damn…
Star Wars art doesn't get any more religious than this. Hero-Glyphs is a series by artist Josh Ln, transforming well-known superheroes and other pop culture icons into hieroglyphs. His latest pieces feature Star Wars, Ghostbusters and (surprise, surprise) Firefly: Read more
So, younger readers, certain older displays were way more susceptible than today's TVs for something called burn-in.…
If you had any doubt that the cult of Helix fossil, one of the "religions" formed around Twitch Plays Pokémon, is a serious thing, here's proof. Someone sprayed this masterpiece recetnly on a seemingly useless cement block, in front of a school. This must be one of those moments when graffiti becomes art instead of… Read more
Reader Robert Lane is a woodworker, and a Call of Duty fan. He's combined the two to create this range of amazing…
A little while ago, Riot Games asked the students at the FZD School of Design to submit some designs for League of…
Klefki, one of the newest Pokémon characters, is also one of the weirdest. It's a set of keys, with an immunity to…

In case you ever wanted to know more about how a video game title sequence was put together, here's a great interview…
Artist Rod Hunt made an amazing pixelized, isometric interpretation of an imaginary WWE Hall of Fame, including tributes to almost everyone in wrestling. Check out the creator's site for tons of easter eggs and references in the close-ups. Read more
Silver Surfer snowboarding on a Galactus-shaped ramp sure would make things more exciting at any Winter Olympics…
This is not a real trend. Japanese people aren't actually wearing bean beards for fashion. Shame, because this is…
Confession: maybe my favourite part of Wind Waker has nothing to do with Link's quest to stab Ganon. It's all about…
The Twitch Plays Pokémon phenomana inspired a lot of artists, including TsaoShin on DeviantART, who assembled a movie poster to mark the first week of the online playthrough. Read more