Joker, as a Chaos Wyrm and Batman as... well as The Dark Knight in DeviantART artist sandara's surreal piece. That's breathtaking! Like one of the bosses from Dark Souls, except it looks more evil. Read more

Three Pokémon: Latias, Latios and Kyogre, as modern aircrafts? That makes the Kalos Region Air Force a truly legendary one. DeviantART artist Dekus' piece is odd, but it's totally awesome. And something like this would be a great mod in any flight sim out there. Read more

Booker with his skyhook from Bioshock Infinite, redrawn by Jenny thorne on DeviantART. Looks really cool, just like a cell from a 90s cartoon. Read more

Now that's a video game tattoo done right. Dhalsim from Street Fighter, becoming one with its owner's leg. Hopefully it looks just as cool from angles other than the one in the photo. Read more

Danny DeVito (in the upper left) and the crew from the TV series It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, remade as an old-school beat 'em up. A fun and intense, out-of-the-ordinary mashup by artist Aled Lewis. It's a part of his recent exhibit called Such Pixels, which you can check out over here. Read more

Here's 21-year-old illustrator Piper Thibodeau's rather cartoony reimagination of the Kanto starter Pokémon. Compared to Charmander in the third picture, Squirtle and Bulbasaur both look so grumpy and bored, you might consider not using them in battle at all. Read more

Here's a terrific Fallout 3 illustration to overwhelm you with nostalgia and impatience for a new title in the series. Digital artist Patrick Brown included tons of nice little references from the game, like the Nuka Cola Quantum in the bottom left corner, or the threatening Deathclaw in the background. Read more

Now playing

When Cam Newton of the Carolina Panthers plays Madden, he always plays as himself. Using someone else would be "cheating on myself." With the Super Bowl in town, the Museum of the Moving Image opened its exhibit "Madden: 25 Years and Running." A video by ANIMALNewYork shows what happens when NFLers get on the sticks.

Here's a quite unique Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles redesign, made by DeviantART artist Ancorgil. They've all changed... a lot, especially Raphael. Now, something like "Adult Mutant Ninja Turtles" would fit a lot better. Read more
