Dear sweet heavens.
Redditor shnowflake, who also manages gaming-slash-baking blog The Cake is Not a Lie, is the one responsible for these beautiful Poké Puff-shaped cupcakes. The ten cupcakes took two whole days to make, but they were reportedly very tasty. I can certainly believe that.
Here are the Poké Puffs in their full glory. Deluxe Mocha:
Deluxe Spice:
Supreme Spring:
Supreme Fall:
Deluxe Sweet:
Deluxe Mint:
Fancy Spice:
Fancy Sweet:
Deluxe Citrus:
Fancy Mint:
And finally, two group photos for good measure:
AAA+, would drool at again.
Pokemon: Real Life Pokepuffs! [The Cake is Not a Lie, via Reddit]
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