As if taking a page out of the classic movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit, a Chinese graduate student has thrown himself…
Isometric RPGs will have an exciting year ahead. Just think about Pillars of Eternity or Torment: Tides of Numenera.…
The developers behind Runescape, in conjunction with photographer Chris Dorley-Brown, have taken survey data and…
Pokémon would look a lot darker in an alternate future, where not just Pokémon evolved but also bio- and…

Very important update! Maybe you were thinking, "Hey, what happened to that vagina boat?" Well, good news: The…
When not busy with concept art Dan Luvisi likes to turn cute, childhood heroes into mutated, crazy-looking lunatics…
Artist Christopher Lee did this enormous mural that adorns the walls at EA's global HQ. Each panel belongs to a game…
Photographer David Friedman recently unearthed a set of beautiful black-and-white photos of New York City that he…
One thing would be definitely cool in a League of Legends fighting game: There are so many champions in the game…

In the movies, Godzilla is a creature born from a perversion of nature and created from nuclear waste. Taiwanese…
Last month, the digital art community was shocked when CGHub, long the biggest and best online community/resource…
Paul Kwon is a concept artist at Riot Games, and when he's not busy creating League of Legends champions and skins, he creates fan-art of other video game characters—like this superb piece, featuring Midna's both forms from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. The finished pic, in its full glory, is below. Read more
Look, we know you're looking at a screen without the benefit of red and blue lenses right now. But don't let that…
Remember Pixel Press, the beautiful sounding app that promises to let you create your own video games by simply drawing them? Well, the thing has successfully completed its metamorphosis from an idealistic Kickstarter project into an actual thing that people can use. Huzzah! Now wouldn't it be great it that happened… Read more
DeviantART artist Hyung's extensive Disney University series takes classic Disney characters and puts them in a…

They said Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire would never get remade. That people should just stop clamoring for them, that…
Mobius strips are enough of a head trip on their own. Now imagine trying to make one in Minecraft. I mean, the game…
You could call this beautiful image of Ellie "fan art", but that would be a weird definition, since the artist…