Leopards and lions would no longer be the kings of the savanna if Pokémon were around. Here's DeviantART artist Sebas

Wildstar, the upcoming sci-fi MMORPG, doesn't really take itself seriously. So even if you look at it as part the…
Redditor LPain01 took some amazing screenshots of the World of Warcraft zones, using the Free Far Sight tool to double his in-game view distance. They really have an RTS feel, but I don't even want to think about that. Look below for shots of Pandaria, The Barrens, Durotar, Nagrand, Grizzly Hills, Stormwind and more. Read more
MDugarchomp is an appropriation artist from Boston with a penchant for Pokémon and modernist painter Charley Harper. Her latest big project, a trio of posters, depicts the Generation I starter Pokémon and their evolutions. If you wanna see more, check out the rest of her stuff at Tumblr, Etsy and/or deviantART. Read more
Ok, Game Boy, you're 25 years old. Let's turn you into awesome things.
A Link Between Snakes: check out this awesome artwork that applies the powers from A Link Between Worlds to Metal Gear Solid—it's by Asif Siddiky and it'll be displayed in anaglyphic 3D at the Comics vs Games 3D Gallery in Toronto. (Via Tiny Cartridge)

I'm not usually one for hyperbole, but this has to be the most stunning artistic use of Microsoft's Kinect I've ever…
As part of his series 'All Grown Up', DeviantART artist Isaiah Stephens imagined what the main characters of the Poké…

I wonder if the next game will look anything like that.

This remix of the Titanfall menu music does a good job working with some music that's already pretty great (it takes…
Photographer Danny Passarella has travelled the world collecting old arcade machines, bringing them home to the UK…
The original Game Boy is sometimes affectionately known as a "brick". So what better way to celebrate the handheld's…

Really3D's minimalistic, silly recreation of the iconic Game of Thrones opening might be a joke, but looking at the…
Artist Patrick Brown captured the mood of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes perfectly in his fan piece. I just love the guard tower's lighting and the rain effects on the ground. Read more
TheLobsterClaw shared a 3D-printed version of the starter spaceship from Faster Than Light, the Kestrel, made by a…
Artist Vincent Bisschop redrew two boss fights from The Legend of Zelda games in a really atmospheric way. Here's Queen Gohma above, from Ocarina of Time, and Kalle Demos below from Wind Waker. Read more
What would those classic characters—such as Jazz Jackrabbit, or Cool Spot above—have looked if they were on TV,…

Everything’s better with Kinect. Including, apparently, your insides. Okay it’s not actual X-Rays, but rather a…
Last year's news that Studio Ghibli mastermind and all around amazing person Hayao Miyazaki was retiring hit us all…