For the past few years, Hidetomo Kimura has been dazzling fish lovers with his high-concept aquatic displays. Called…
For the past few years, Hidetomo Kimura has been dazzling fish lovers with his high-concept aquatic displays. Called…
Artist Matt Reedy's ongoing project, Little Golden Manga transforms popular manga titles into children's books, as…
With a little redesign, Final Fantasy characters would make pretty cool Pokémon trainers. You just have to find the…
Sketch Dailies is a website/exercise where every single day, artists from around the world - many of them top…
DeviantART artist Ann Marcellino's take on the Sailor Soldiers is really unique; they rather look like characters…
In Japan, 3D latte art is a thing. We've seen numerous examples. But 3D cocktail art? Do tell.
When is a gun not just a gun? When it lives between a character's legs and not in a holster, as seen in artwork from…
Back in the '80s, hardcore gamers loved the sort of simplistic fare that mobile gamers thrive on today. So why can't…
This is "amezaiku" (飴細工) or, literally, "candy handiwork." And there's one way to best sum up this traditional…
Browsing German artist HeavyMetalHanzo's gallery and realizing how much potential some video games and video game…
Photographer and "light artist" Michael Bosanko used, well, lights and photography to capture this Pac-Man homage. Read more
Could a PlayStation Move wand even survive the landing after such bodacious move?
Recreating Sin—the whale-like gargantuan final boss of Final Fantasy X—in Minecraft was probably a bit harder than…
You can mutilate any innocent coloring book, with the right artistic inspiration.
It's always good to see unique takes on popular shows or games. Angel5art's piece on DeviantART features realistic,…
Dark Souls II is lonely and beautiful without enemies and action. The newest entry in Andy Kelly's series 'Other…
Creating a submission for the hypnotically pleasing Things Organized NeatlyTumblr, General Mills' Hello, Cereal…
They don't look exactly the same. But damn, many of the characters from Japan's most beloved anime certainly look sim…
Before the Oculus Rift and the Kinect, there was a time when the 3-button wheel mouse and NES Zappers ruled the…