Molleindustria's critical protest game Phone Story was designed to achieve two ends: to raise consumer awareness of…
Later this morning, Apple users will deliver over 250,000 signatures to the Apple Store in NYC's Grand Central…
On Feb. 8th, Sony is launching the System Firmware Ver. 1.60 for the Vita. Here is some of what this update…

Apple is in direct competition with Google's Android. Steve Jobs hated it. He once told Walter Isaacson, "I'm going…

Next month, maniac shooter DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou is coming to the iPhone and iPod Touch.
For Westerners, the conditions are shocking. Workers slave away for hours on end, pulling overtime, until their legs…

I was designing a user interface for someone else's social game the other day, and I was completely oblivious that…
This week, a report surfaced that a group of 300 Xbox 360 factory workers threatened to commit suicide en masse over…
Vector Tanks was around for at least three years on the iTunes App Store and looked a lot like Battlezone the whole…

For years, the Nintendo 64 Kid has been the epitome of holiday game gift giving. Two kids went bananas over…
There's this famous PlayStation tech with a rubber duck and a submarine. Everybody always forgets the submarine, but…
Every year, Apple holds its own awards for the best in iPhone and iPad applications. Its best of 2011 have been…

A surprise, official Xbox LIVE app just hit Apple's iTunes.
The Bard's Tale, the highly enjoyable action role-playing game that launches today at the App Store, has a long,…
If someone was going to sue over an iPhone app called "Jew or Not Jew," I would have expected it to be an…
There's a now-classic scene that takes place in many an alien invasion flick: The protagonist has finally realized…
The "at long last" in the title there is maybe a liiitle bit joking—after all, we've had several versions of Chrono…

Epoch, a cover-based shooter developed by a bunch of former 2K Australia guys, will be out on the App Store on…
At least, that's what around 1,000 games industry employees reckon, as the results of a survey for the London Games…