The Crackdown developers are giving thousands of players the opportunity to side with either the Criminals or the…
EA have a lot of "partners", developers with whom they share a close, special relationship. Like id. And Valve. And…
So that headline's probably stating the obvious. I would imagine there are lots of studios working on something…
While not saying it has an offer to do Crackdown 2, Realtime Worlds says it is in "ongoing" discussions with…
In their latest monthly newsletter, Real Time Worlds walks us through some of the design decisions they've been…
Also in Realtime Worlds' newsletter for fans, which went out this week, is word that Facebook will play a large role…
Realtime Worlds free-ranging, open-world crime MMO All Points Bulletin is shaping up nicely, Realtime Worlds tells…
Crackdown fans, all hope is not lost. You do have a reason to get out of bed, clear the room of Taco Bell wrappers,…
After Realtime Worlds' appetite-whetting unveiling of its upcoming cops-n'-jerkbags MMO APB (All Points Bulletin),…
We haven't heard a word from Real Time Worlds since they blew our collective minds during a talk at this year's Game…
Put these pieces together. Realtime Worlds made Crackdown. Realtime Worlds are now at work on an MMO called APB,…