Realtime Worlds free-ranging, open-world crime MMO All Points Bulletin is shaping up nicely, Realtime Worlds tells us today in an email. The games testing has "advanced to a very exciting stage internally" and the developers are preparing the initial steps for beta. What's that mean? Why Realtime is opening a Facebook page of course, what else? The Register Your Interest sign up page will let you sign up for email updates, not the beta, but in theory that will be coming down the line sometime too. So if the game is moving along so swimmingly, why no appearance at E3 this year? Tony Harman, president of Realtime Worlds, has the spin. Hint, it involves $50 million."This year we would have had an exciting presence with APB at E3 if we had continued with Webzen as our publisher. But, given that we re-acquired the rights to APB just this spring and closed a very large fundraising round ($50,000,000) to secure APB's future, the timing just wasn't right to attend E3. RTW is very excited with APB's progress and we have used our fundraising as a means to invest even more heavily in the APB development team. RTW hopes to release more information later this year with regards to game play details and beta plans." All Points Bulletin Facebook
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