When Osaka-based Capcom isn't making popular video games, it is doing something else entirely: ragging on the…
To many of us, custom button remapping in video games is a luxury, but for quadriplegic gamer Chuck Bittner, forced…
Earlier this month we flew ourselves out to Hawaii to soak in half a week's worth of news, hands-on time with games…
Several readers sent us tips this morning indicating that Microsoft gifted them seven additional days of Xbox Live…
If you've ever played a game on a touch screen device, you know just how important it is that the screen…
After much speculation and some not-so-subtle hinting, Valve has officially announced a Mac version of popular…
When you can tie a man to the back of a fighter jet and take to the sky with him screaming behind you, does your…
Imagine Babies? Imagine Doctor? Try Imagine Town, the virtual world based on the successful game series,…
What's your preferred wartime headgear of choice? Scuba mask, combat helmet, gas mask or Mohawk? I like Mohawk…
While Marvel's release date prediction for Marvel VS Capcom 2 fell through, we're pretty confident that the July…
Stopping by Tecmo today for a little hands-on with Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, I learned that everyone's favorite…
In just a couple of days, E3 will reveal just about every major game you will be able to play in the next year. For…
Microsoft and Epic Games deliver seven new multiplayer maps to Gears of Wars 2 in July's retail release of the…
After two unofficial expansions from TimeGate Studios, developer Monolith Productions returns to the series they…
Atari held tryouts at their Ready 2 Rumble Revolution booth to see who could pull off best "Let's Get Ready To…
Yesterday I got a double dose of Ubisoft's Far Cry 2, getting a chance to check out the level editing features of…