The recently released Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is great. One of my favorite games of 2022 and the best Star Wars game ever made. Even if it didn’t include Yaddle, I’d still love this game. But it does include Yaddle. It only took 20 years, three blogs, and my entire run as weekend editor, but it finally happened: Those cowards finally put Yaddle in a game.
And now, I leave the weekends to join the rest of the great writers (and Ari) at Kotaku during the regular week!
In early 2019, a year that feels both completely ancient and not that long ago, I started covering weekends at Kotaku as your Weekend Editor. Eventually, I was hired full-time and continued to be your Weekend Editor, while now also writing for a few days during the week. And over the years, I’ve used the weekends as a place to create silly blogs, tell dumb stories, and review energy drinks and other weird shit. It was a lot of fun and a lot of work.
And early on in my weekend editing career, I wrote up a blog about Yaddle and the character’s complete absence from all Star Wars games. At the time, I had no idea that TT Games would go and add the character to Skywalker Saga. It took a few years and a couple of delays, but finally, three years after that dumb blog, I got Yaddle in a video game.
Now, in 2022, after being your weekend editor for three years I’m hanging up the title. I understand that timing might make you think: “Wait, did he only take on this role to push Yaddle into the mainstream and get her in a game? And now he’s leaving after finishing his mission?” The answer to that is…no comment.
But yes, this is my final weekend blog as your intrepid editor of every day that ain’t a weekday. For those who hate me, bad news: As mentioned already, I’m not leaving Kotaku. I’m sticking around. But things are changing and the site will no longer have a dedicated Weekend Editor running the ship on Saturdays and Sundays. Instead, my blogs and ideas will expand into the full work week.

I’ve got a lot of mixed feelings right now.
I’m happy to finally have my weekends back after years of them being tied up with work. I’m sad that I won’t be around to continue this old Kotaku tradition of blogging on Saturday and Sunday. Though, I now get to work alongside my fellow writers and editors more than ever. Which is nice. After the strike, we’ve all been hanging out more and trying to be more connected. It’s great stuff. And I get to play as Yaddle in a big open-world Star Wars game.
So y’know, my life ain’t too bad at all.
To anyone who has read my weekend blogs and enjoyed them, thanks! If you took part in a ‘Shop Contest or laughed at Sunday Comics, I’m thankful you stuck around and had a good time. The weekends have changed around here over the years, losing content and gaining content. But I always had fun hanging out with… most of you.
Oh, I need to make sure this blog is still also about Yaddle so two things: You unlock her by talking to her at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and hearing Yaddle talk is wild. Finally, my dreams have come true.
With that, I shut down the weekend blogging machine and step outside. Funny, one of the very first things I ever wrote for the weekend was a blog about Yaddle. And I end it with a blog also about Yaddle. It’s like poetry. It rhymes.
See you all Monday - Friday.
(And feel free to share any of your favorite weekend blogs below, if you have any!)