Sega's blue hedgehog’s first open-world game is out in the fall, according to a quickly pulled ad
Action game for the PC.
Sega's blue hedgehog’s first open-world game is out in the fall, according to a quickly pulled ad
One side of the community is blaming the other for how Respawn Entertainment's battle royale shooter is changing
The genre’s past and future collide with a wild 2022 release lineup
During its annual showcase, Annapurna Interactive revealed a release window for Thirsty Suitors
Hit PS4 games Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and Assassin’s Creed Valhalla are half off
Claude and Dimitri don’t seem to have nipples, which is much weirder than having them
The PC Gaming Show accidentally got fans’ hopes up, then quickly and unceremoniously chopped them down
Sega’s first open-world Sonic adventure has a lot to prove
Fans are hungry for E3-style updates on Metroid Prime 4 and BotW 2
Starfield and Redfall may have slipped to 2023, but Microsoft still has a lot cooking