Heavens Fall is a magnificent city, one filled with vibrant life sprawled in every corner. Behind the scenes, technology had revolutionized Heavens Fall and the society people lived in, connecting all facets of life and rejuvenating the intellectual curiosity of all people. At the core of this development stood a central figure: Titan, the tech giant of Heavens Fall.
Exploring the entirety of space is impossible in the real world, but it’s now been done in EVE Online. A player by…
Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, and Detroit: Become Human are all coming to the PC, all exclusively to Epic’s store,…
The launch of BioWare’s new multiplayer loot shooter has been anything but smooth. Anthem is a pretty game…
I’m well on my way to hitting the 100-hour mark in my time with Anthem, in part because it’s my goddamn job but also…
Anthem’s open demo, which launched this past weekend, had its first “mini-event” last night. A fiery vortex formed…
A new Titanfall spinoff is in the works, and it’ll be out sooner than anyone could possibly guess. In fact, internet…
The titan has been toppled. Amazon’s 2018 list of best-selling video games (and video game accessories) has revealed…
Levi from Attack on Titan likes to keep things nice and clean. No wonder the character is now selling detergent! The Attack brand detergent sold at Matsumoto Kiyoshi drugstores in Japan is currently featuring the character.