Hi! I’m Nathan Fouts, designer at Mommy’s Best Games, and someone who knows how to make video game guns.
This hack features Mario’s ability to possess enemies and bounce on his cap a la Super Mario Odyssey.
Hi! I’m Nathan Fouts, designer at Mommy’s Best Games, and someone who knows how to make video game guns.
While playing Super Mario Odyssey, you’ll occasionally come across portraits like the one pictured above.They are…
Video games are constantly trying different ways to make you feel like the game you’re playing has exciting,…
I’ve had a Nintendo Switch since its early 2017 launch and have taken 1,052 screenshots on it since then. I guess I…
It’s a worn-out cliche these days to say that a game is “perfect for the Switch,” but that really does apply to Capta…
Eight years ago, Games Done Quick started as a handful of sleep-deprived speedrunners unexpectedly crammed into…
I’ve been playing a ton of old games on my Switch. If you own one, you probably have too. Now, sure, that is in part…
E3, a show in which the future of gaming pretends to be in the present, is in the past. Those demos that may or may…