Like the sunrise, death and taxes, you betcha Japanese game developer is going to make the inevitable sequel to…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Sunrise
Minimal game made for A Game By Its Cover 2017 Jam. Inspired by the art of Christopher Jacques.
Like the sunrise, death and taxes, you betcha Japanese game developer is going to make the inevitable sequel to…
Take otaku hero Shoko Nakagawa. Combine with illustrator Noizi Ito. What do you get?
No, not that Lost. Just lost. As in technical problems. As in the Kotaku Talk Radio featuring me, Major Nelson and a…
Officially unconfirmed, but you're surprised?
A Florida father is looking at a long and uncomfortable tour of the justice system after getting high, gaming all…
A modder's fund drive to call Gabe Newell's joke bluff, and fly the Valve boss plus a producer to Australia to…
In a press release Q&A issued by Konami today, Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima stresses the importance of the PSP…
Pictures of student sitting under trees? Crowded libraries? Professors lecturing? Boring! A school campus in retro…
Spore: Galactic Adventures is introducing a lot of new stuff – planet editor, new segment of space exploration, etc.…
As we've reported Circuit City, deep in a rut and fighting to stay alive, is closing 155 of their stores. What's…