Yes and no, say some comparison videos that hit YouTube yesterday. In the startup (above) and DVD loading, you see…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Motherboard
Motherboard is an action-adventure game, settled inside the computer! Take on the role of the Bit - one of the inhabitants of the motherboard and help him to save the world from viruses!
Yes and no, say some comparison videos that hit YouTube yesterday. In the startup (above) and DVD loading, you see…
Coupon assemblage is, routinely a yeah-yeah task. I mean, really, who the hell wants a pink Guitar Hero guitar. But…
Microsoft's responded to Game Informer's controversial survey, which found 54.6 percent of Xbox 360s - among their…
This is like U.S. presidential elections. No sooner do we have a conclusion to a two-year orgy of rumor and…
Microsoft may have stealthily released a new Xbox 360 Arcade configuration this Spring, as members of the XboxHacker…
Dante's Inferno Dev Diary Makes My Head Hurt
Comment by: Antiterra
Nominated by: Hiroken
Even though the game came out in 2007, people still go all "boo hoo" over Crysis' graphics settings. Say they're…
Over the weekend, Valve released an unexpectedly fascinating piece of information: the specs of the machines sitting…
Need a state of the art gaming PC? Got $3,000 to $8,000? No? Then you probably don't want to head over to…
To: Ash
From: Crecente
Re: Being An Only Child...