At the close of every year, Kotaku highlights not just video games but gamers—people who did noteworthy or…
Capcom Cup wrapped up a year of Street Fighter V over the weekend with an explosive grand finals match between…
You can do a lot of things with city builder games. You can replicate real cities, or you can simulate massive…
Earlier this month, a buddy sent game developer Ben Esposito a surprising screenshot: an Instagram ad for a game…
Justin Wong is a legendary fighting game player, and he’s nearly unbeatable when given the chance to use an…
In MMA, there are fighters who’ve got all the potential in the world, but continually fail to put the pieces…
Like any subculture, the one that’s sprung up around competitive games like Street Fighter and Guilty Gear has…
Winning by any means necessary is a core staple of fighting game competition, but it’s still unsettled whether…