If you’re done seeing Wicked, here are some games to play this weekend
I Want It! is an Xbox Live Indie Game featuring an unruly child and his mother.
If you’re done seeing Wicked, here are some games to play this weekend
Sony also has marked down PSVR 2 headsets, controllers, and more
Sure, we're playing the mobile card game every day, but there's so much room for improvement
BioWare could keep trying to make an anthology, but maybe it’s time to let one hero steer the ship after The…
The long-awaited open-world FPS sequel is a janky experience that isn't for everyone
Instead the developers are going to focus on making Part 3 of the remake trilogy
If you want to import both your characters in subsequent playthroughs, there’s a roundabout way to do that
Obsidian’s action-adventure RPG has a rock-solid opening
The COD player blamed the businessman for his poor internet connection
Xbox and Sony are investing more and more into building out their cloud streaming services