Luc Bernard, the man behind the pretty yet flawed Eternity's Child and the well-received Advance Wars clone Mecho…
Eternity's Child, a quirky, hand drawn next generation 2D platformer is based on a fairy tale by Luc Bernard. It arrives on Steam with exclusive Steam Only levels and HD Resolution.
Luc Bernard, the man behind the pretty yet flawed Eternity's Child and the well-received Advance Wars clone Mecho…
Remember back when we reported that Mecho Wars was due out in March? We were a little off. It's available on the…
Luc Bernard dropped us a line today to deliver the latest information on Mecho Wars, the tactical prequel to Eternit…
Indie game developer Luc Bernard will soon be expounding on the story of Eternity's Child in a new iPhone strategy…
Last we heard from Eternity's Child creator Luc Bernard, he was in a huff, and then out of a huff. Seems he's past…
Last month, Eternity's Child creator Luc Bernard announced on his official blog that he was leaving the video game…
Eternity's Child creator Luc Bernard is leaving the video game business. In a post on his official blog, Bernard…
The big news this week: Rock Band 2's dates slipped out, Rockstar finally goes ahead and tells us GTA IV is coming…
Some of the best games on the PlayStation 3 have never seen a Blu-ray disc, all thanks to the folks at Q-Games. The…
To: Ash From: Crecente Re: Watch Pokemon Movie, Get Free Stuff, Japanese Kiddos! So last night Trish and Tristan…