To: Crecente From: Ashcraft RE: Eye of the Storm Mrs. Bashcraft took the kid to see this summer's Pokémon movie, Giratina to Sora no Hanataba: Sheimi. Every summer, a new one is churned out like clockwork. Last year, we all went to go see Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai, which actually made Mini-Bash cry. While watching a particularly moving scene in Sheimi, my wife said she started to hand Mini-Bash a tissue. To which he replied: "This is really sad, but I'm not crying." Check out the loot he got for going to the movie: Stickers, a card and a puck for the Pokémon kiddy arcade game. What you missed last night You Will Never, Ever Game On A Rig This Expensive Soulcalibur IV, Over 2 Million Copies Sold Worldwide Loads Of New Square Enix Screens (FFXIII, Kingdom Hearts, etc) Microsoft Clarifies Final Fantasy XIII Asia Version "Announcement" Braid Priced High To Prevent "The Space Giraffe Problem" Konami Pulls In $655 Million In Q1 With A Little Help From Snake Kratos, Nariko Come To LittleBigPlanet Pre-orderers
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