ReviewsMultiplatformReviewsMultiplatformLost In Random: The Kotaku ReviewWonderfully unpredictable combat helps make Zoink's latest an unforgettable adventureByZack ZwiezenPublishedSeptember 24, 2021
Game TipsGame TipsHow To Unlock All Six Hidden Weapon Aspects In HadesWho to talk to and what to do to build our your infernal arsenalByAri NotisPublishedAugust 25, 2021
The BestsThe BestsThe 14 Best Games For The Xbox OneFrom Halo to Hades, here are the best Xbox One gamesByKotaku StaffPublishedAugust 25, 2021
CultureOdds and EndsCultureOdds and EndsDestiny 2 Player Uses Glitches, Skill, And Luck To Solo Latest Raid BossBungie's Vault of Glass Atheon battle should be impossible for one GuardianByMike FaheyPublishedJuly 20, 2021
OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryThe Steam Deck Isn't Competing With The Nintendo SwitchValve and Nintendo have different audiences, even if they have similar machinesByPatricia HernandezPublishedJuly 16, 2021
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsDestiny 2’s Quria Is An Underwhelming Boss Fight But A Great MissionBungie aimed Season of the Splicer beyond difficultyByEthan GachPublishedJune 30, 2021
CultureCultureXbox Free-To-Play Games Are Finally Free To PlayStarting today, all Xbox players can play more than 50 free-to-play games without an Xbox Live Gold membership,…ByAri NotisPublishedApril 21, 2021
CultureCultureOutriders Should Have A Horde Mode (And Other Thoughts)If nothing else, Outriders is a polarizing game. Sure, People Can Fly’s loot-shooter has been plagued by some…ByAri Notis and Zack ZwiezenPublishedApril 12, 2021
ReviewsMultiplatformReviewsMultiplatformOutriders: The Kotaku ReviewOutriders isn’t what I was expecting. In the lead-up to launch, it looked like one more Destiny-like looter shooter…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedApril 9, 2021
OpinionOpinionGames Like Outriders Really Need Offline ModesEarlier today, I was playing Outriders. I was in the middle of a mission, about to beat a tough enemy, when I was…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedApril 3, 2021