It's official. Square Enix has announced that upcoming DS title Dragon Quest IX has been pushed back.
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Accounting+
Accounting returns to its roots with Accounting+, a nIGHTMARE aDVENTURE cOMEDY made by Crows Crows Crows and designed with Squanch Games! Double the size of the original Accounting (one of the most popular titles on the HTC Vive), Accounting+ features new things that the original did not have, continuing to combine the absurd creative sensibilities of William Pugh (The Stanley Parable), Justin Roiland (Rick and Morty) and Dominik Johann (Minit) to baffling extremes. Before the 19th of December 2017 there has never been a video game in which you join a gang with A Dog voiced by Rich Fulcher (The Mighty Boosh)… But we used to live in dark and disturbing times.
It's official. Square Enix has announced that upcoming DS title Dragon Quest IX has been pushed back.
Last week, we broke word that Square Enix had shifted announcing its financials from February 6th to February 12th…
Square Enix has announced it'll delay its third-quarter earnings by a week to February 12th due to a delay in…
The Entertainment Software Association spent a record $4.2 million on federal lobbying in 2008, Gamasutra reports…
It’s not just Midway employees staring down the prospect of an unemployed start to 2009, as job cuts were also…
Matt Booty, CEO of Midway, had the unenviable duty of informing the still employed Midway rank and file about…
Nintendo sold 2.04 million Wiis to U.S. consumers last month, outselling its nearest competitor, the Xbox 360, more…
Next time we want a hands-on with a Frogster product we might not have to travel to Germany, as the Berlin-based…
So Nintendo learned there are other powerful words that begin with "Ni" and by that I don't mean nickel, nor…
With Black Friday almost upon you (no such shenanigans in non-thanksgiving-giving countries such as Aus), research…