Last month's 360/PS3 FIFA 09 screens had the ripe whiff of Bullshot about them (hey - we could be wrong, let's see…
Last month's 360/PS3 FIFA 09 screens had the ripe whiff of Bullshot about them (hey - we could be wrong, let's see…
Former US Secretary Of State Madeline Albright was streamed into a discussion in virtual world Second Life last…
Anyone thinking that virtual worlds are edging towards some kind of utopia, please revise your hopes downwards. A…
Well, maybe we won't have to change the filters on our office Bullshit-o-meter after all. As we kinda-sorta-maybe…
Even before Dead Space is out of the door, the development team behind it are hopeful that they can carve a chunk…
Valve's Gabe Newell has announced a playable demo of the co-op survival horror game Left 4 Dead that will be…
The next millionaire to come out of the games industry will be the home furnishings genius who creates a way of…
Well, that seems to have done the trick. Following last week's Xbox 360 price cut in the US, the console has seen a…
The former director of the Games Developers Conference, Jamil Moledina, used his appearance at the Japanese CEDEC…
SQUEEEEeeeeeaaalll! KErrrrrr—UNCH! That is the sound of Vigilante 8 metaphorically skidding off the road from Isopod…
Chris Morris of Forbes magazine thinks that Google should try its luck at publishing video games. The search engine…
You are doing it wrong! You are supposed to wait until AFTER a game is lauded as a bona fide classic before you get…
The 'Games are making kids stupid' meme is as fresh as ever, but new research from the university of Wisconsin…
European gamers who fancied some 1940s stealth gaming in Velvet Assassin will have to wait until the new year.…
Sooo.. The Kotaku bullshit alarm has been flashing a code amber since we got a tip about, but.. well,…
We know that Sony are working on an official keyboard add-on for the PSP but that won't be here until mid 2009. Why…
The XBLA incarnation of cult Ninja platformer N+ is due to receive another healthy dollop of DLC. For a measly 200…
Spore owes a debt to the research carried out by scientists at the SETI (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence)…
Monte Cristo's city creation game Cities XL is looking very tasty indeed, with the prospect of some large-scale city…