Owen Good's posts

Owen Good
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Ryse: Son of Rome introduces five new maps, two gladiator character skins, one new mode of play and with the Mars' Chosen Pack. It's $8.99, or free for those who bought the game's season pass for DLC.

Sick of cusswords? There's a movie-themed wordpack for The Typing of the Dead: Overkill in time for the Oscars. You can frantically pound out "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" to blow back the zombie horde. It's $2.99, available now on Steam. Read more

Early this morning U.S. Eastern time, after 16 days, seven hours, 50 minutes and 19 seconds, the combined strength

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The Order: 1886 brings you a good two and a-half minutes of gameplay in this trailer Sony released today. It lingers on the firepower (and quick timer events) available in the alternate-history landscape. Is it just me, or does that stuff look like it would be monstrously heavy with Victorian-era metallurgy?

"We have acted in good faith and are working towards a resolution," says the CEO and game director of Interceptor Entertainment, which was due to publish a Duke Nukem game by 3D Realms before Gearbox Software filed a lawsuit Friday. "We are not all out of gum." Read more

Be kind, rewind: The woman who was looking at jail time—a month behind bars—for failing to return an overdue movie rental has seen charges against her dropped. Good thing, too; the law she broke, like VHS, disappeared years ago. Read more