Electric cars are terrible. They just are. They're a solution for a problem we don't have. Or rather, they're a…
It's been a heck of a day for Paul Christoforo, whose flippant email to a customer asking about his Avenger…
My ears have been bubbling today with selections from "Best Music of the Year" lists like I'm taking a long bath…
Sure, Naughty Dog's Uncharted series is a benchmark for narrative, cinematic gaming. But from the way Naughty Dog is…
Everybody games. (Finally!) With a million different types of gamers, there are a million types of gifts to be…
We're having a Meet Up here in New York City at the Gizmodo Gallery and we'd like for you to come! Unless you are…
We're having a Meet Up here in New York City at the Gizmodo Gallery and we'd like for you to come! Unless you are…
To celebrate the launch of a new Skyrim-themed section—and to get you to come check it out—Game Banshee has built a…
Today's Nintendo DSi Ware features this innocuous little RPG-influenced shooter with a name that might ring a…
This is as close to an official LEGO interpretation of Activision's tentpole franchise as we're gonna get, I…
I've only gotten to play with the PlayStation Vita's augmented reality functions for a few minutes, but the…
Last week, some folks paid Kotaku the kindness of noticing how...let's call it "progressive"...we've begun to lean…
Stoya, a winsome, altogether charming young lady who makes pornography for a living, guest edited our sister site Fle…
In an interview with author William Gibson, the creator of the notion of "cyberpunk"—a milieu that remains heavily…
Riding a motorcycle is a very solitary experience—that's half the appeal. So who knew how much I would like being…
There's going to be another round of consoles. There's another Xbox coming, another PlayStation. Anything could…
Brian Crecente: The Forza franchise continues to dance the fine line between a racing game too authentic to interest…
During the iPhone 4 leak, I somehow, through no real grift of my own, found myself in possession of Steve Job's…
When Nvidia was in the Kotaku offices the other day showing off, well, something we can't quite talk about yet,…