Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars was the first role-playing game I ever played, and it took me years to…
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars was the first role-playing game I ever played, and it took me years to…
One of the most impressive things I've seen yet during Awesome Games Done Quick 2015, the speedrunning marathon for…
In other words, you ride a chopper, light a smoke, hold a gun to someone's head and get beat in the face with a…
Dark Souls II's three expansions are a wonderful culmination of everything From Software has learned about making S…
"I'll try to give you something a little bit more than I said before: we're focused on the characters we announced…
Pokémon may seem like a simple game to outsiders, but fans know how complex it can really get. With the release of Po…
Pokémon X and Pokémon Y are the friendliest Pokémon games ever, both to new players and to jaded old-guard types…
This is the one we've all been waiting for, friends. Grumpy Cat and Lil Bub, two of the biggest celebrities in the…
Episode 16, season 2 of StarCrafts, the animated YouTube series that turns everything and anything StarCraft into…
Octopus City Blues is the kind of game in which an enormous, bloody millipede is used for public transportation and…
I sort of regret talking up this new footage from Sherlock season 3 yesterday, because with all said and done today…
Minecraft is generally about exploring your very own world, hollowing it out, hoarding its resources, and building a…
Remember when Nintendo unveiled The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker back in the day, and everyone lost their minds…
Because there's nothing you love more than when strangers recommend random iOS games to you, here's one that its…
I don't always enjoy motion controls, but if there's one game that I feel shouldn't be without them, it's the one…
The developer behind Broken Age, Massive Chalice, The Cave, Brutal Legend, and of course Double Fine Happy Action…
Every girl I date seriously must eventually pass a trial. It happens at a certain point in every relationship I…
3DS eShop favorite Mighty Switch Force 2 is making its way to the Wii U's digital storefront "by popular request,"…
Sony last night addressed whether the PS4 features voice command capabilities through the PlayStation camera, but…
If you're anywhere near as obsessed with the BBC's Sherlock as I am, then you'll be thrilled to know that new…