The original Puzzle Quest is coming to Switch. Revealed via an eShop listing, Puzzle Quest: The Legend Returns includes the classic match-3 RPG and its Plague Lord expansion, plus a new expansion, new quests, and more character classes. It’s out September 19.

Years of Puzzle Quest, Candy Crush Saga and Bejeweled have all been preparing me for this moment. Now is my time to…

Puzzle Quest meets Magic: The Gathering. If any combination of puzzle RPG and other thing could restore my faith in…

And so an eight year love affair with the original puzzle role-playing game franchise ends with a game that should…
Coming this summer to a mobile device near you, two lovely things in a colorful free-to-play sandwich.
2013 was the year of Candy Crush Saga. It was on television, in music videos, and — most importantly — it was in the…
Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign is now available as a free download on Steam, and it looks so much better on PC. Meanwhile, the mobile version has just been updated with Episode 2 content. Which to play? All of them, of course. Just watch out for those $100 PC currency bundles.

The Marvel Trading Card Game for PSP was released in February of 2007. Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords…
The might warriors circle each other warily, keen eyes searching for the slightest chink in their foe's armor. The…

In just about every Target or Walmart store there's a section of the PC gaming section dedicated to casual…
The guys that make Flight Control (Firemint) just bought the guys who make Puzzle Quest (Infinite Interactive). If…
Usually the best gifts we get for the holidays are the ones we buy for ourselves. In my case, this would be an…

I am so stuck on a video game right now. Should I rage quit, read a walkthrough or just cry out to the Internet via…
Shrugging off the disappointment that was Galactrix, Australia's Infinite Interactive are now hardat work on a true…
Last month, Namco Bandai announced plans to turn Puzzle Quest and Oneechanbara publisher D3Publisher into a…
It's not so much the visuals in the Galactrix launch trailer that get to me, as they seem to have taken their own…