Following the flop of the Atari VCS and its pursuit of crypto nonsense, the company is running out of cash
Gundam models are becoming better for the environment
And it only took them *checks calendar* a very long time to do it
If you’ve ever been to an arcade in Japan, you’ve probably seen Wani Wani Panic. It’s similar to Whac-A-Mole, but…
As part of Pac-Man’s 40th birthday celebrations, Bandai Namco and Amazon just announced Pac-Man Live Studio, a new…
One-Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows is not a video game about uber-powerful anime sensation One-Punch Man. It’s the…
Saitama is called “One Punch Man” because that’s all it takes for him to level foes. How the heck does that work in…
2011's Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch still looks amazing, so it doesn’t really need a remaster for its new…
The Ace Combat 7 dog got a shout out at Namco Bandai’s Taiwan Game Show booth. This good doggie was the game’s most lovable character.
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Namco Bandai is making a Dragon Ball Z action role-playing game, magazine V Jump announced. More details will be revealed in the publication’s March issue.
While there’s no recapturing the weird and wonderful feeling of playing Katamari Damacy for the first time, this…
While at the Tokyo Game Show, I checked out a trio of fighters based on anime games, including Kill la Kill: IF, My…
Today was the first day of this year’s Tokyo Game Show. It was a business day, which means the show wasn’t open to…
It’s been five years since the last main Soulcalibur release, so Namco Bandai knows it’s about time to roll out Soulc…
VR Zone Shinjuku, Namco Bandai’s virtual reality arcade in Tokyo, is getting a four-on-four Ghost in the Shell team-b…
Six people from Santa Clara, California have been arrested and charged with selling arcade cabinets full of…
Namco Bandai’s VR ZONE amusement center in Shinjuku doesn’t just have a Neon Genesis game. It also has virtual…
Ace Combat 7, originally due this year but now out in 2018, has an E3 trailer. This is exactly the kind of game PlayStation VR was made for.
Tekken 7's PlayStation VR component isn’t so much a game mode as it is interactive theater. It’s got no health bars,…
It’s the debut project of Square Enix’s newly established Studio Istolia, which is headed up by former Tales…