Retro game publisher Retroism recently dug up an unfortunate remnant from the 90s mascot craze and dropped two of…
Retro game publisher Retroism recently dug up an unfortunate remnant from the 90s mascot craze and dropped two of…
One of the greatest games to ever grace the Nintendo 64 has returned in the form of a 1080p PC remaster of Turok:…
A classic tale of boy meets girl, boy loses girl, cat does something other than sit around licking itself and…
Continuing the proud tradition established in the original Black Ops, Black Ops III has a hidden arcade mini-game,…
Three years ago we ran a story titled “Oh, Dear God, Please Let an Archer Pinball FX 2 Table Happen.” Guess what?
Ten years ago today, Monolith Productions did not release a sequel to Shogo: Mobile Armor Division. Instead they…
With visual novels currently all the rage on Steam, it’s easy to pass up a gem just because it has a Japanese name…
I was a little worried about not being able to get my hands on Transformers: Devastation until launch day. After…
There’s not a lot of gameplay in the first five minutes of the sixth installment of Nippon Ichi’s tactical…
What happens when the creators of two of the most beloved games of yore, Earthworm Jim and The Neverhood, join…
If you’re a horde of undead looking to devour the living, maybe don’t do it in a 1920s city run by the Mafia.
Aww, look at Cactus. Isn’t she cute? You wouldn’t know just by looking at her that’s she’s a flamethrower-wielding…
My admiration for FarmerGnome’s epic multiplayer Spaghetti Western is rivaled only my my lack of dedication to a…
“Enough Australian lingo to choke a dingo” is something I’m not proud of saying in the opening moments of the first T…
On September 19, 1985, Capcom unleashed one of the toughest video games ever to hit arcades, starring a brave knight…
One of the key creators of the Sonic the Hedgehog series, programmer extraordinaire and former long-term head of…
The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has been using web-based Flash games to spread its anti-animal…
Violence and tension will always have a place in video gaming, but sometimes you just need to go on a journey of…
In the late 21st century virtual reality has become the world’s favorite pastime, and people spend massive amounts…
The delightfully handcrafted Leo’s Fortune was one of 2014’s most critically acclaimed mobile games. Will it be one…