Continuing the proud tradition established in the original Black Ops, Black Ops III has a hidden arcade mini-game, only it’s not really all that mini. If you’d rather find it yourself, close your eyes and ears. And maybe don’t read on.
With news of the hidden game splashing about the internet briefly yesterday, Call of Duty fans who were paying any attention at all already know that twin stick shooter Dead Ops makes a triumphant return in the latest game as Dead Ops II Arcade: Cyber’s Avengening.
Don’t let the thumbnail fool you—it’s still a twin stick shooter. There’s just a power-up that shifts the entire game’s perspective to first-person, briefly terrifying the reviewer playing it for the first time.
It’s a pretty big game for an Easter egg, so instead of trying to survive the entire thing I decided to just share the First Five, once again justifying that lovely animated intro. Speaking of which...
Awww, poor little guys. We deserve everything we get.
The First Five is the first five minutes of a game with light commentary. Once the five minutes are up, so’s the video.
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