Steven Spielberg once tried to make a video game known to most people only as "LMNO," an ambitious project that…
Steven Spielberg is a Hollywood legend. When not directing highly successful motion pictures, Steven Spielberg…
Electronic Arts this week let go a number of developers working on Steven Spielberg Wii puzzle tile Boom Blox, the…
The National Science Foundation has given two universities a million dollars to study whether video games can…
On the week of the release of the new Boom Blox, one of the game's chief creators heads to ThatGameCompany.
Oscar winning filmmaker and budding game designer Steven Spielberg is! The idea man behind Boom Blox and the newly…
We've gotten holiday cards, lots of holiday cards; holiday songs;, even a holiday video, but this is our first ever…
You may not think it to look at him, but filmmaker and Boom Blox co-creator Steven Spielberg can really hit a drum.…
LittleBigPlanet may be the stunt-modder's level design palette of choice these days, with some truly spectacular crea…
Electronic Arts' mysterious Blueprint division is no more, according to a report from Variety. Formerly lead by EA…
Following Variety's story early this morning that Zack Snyder, the man behind such films as The Dawn of the Dead…
When Boom Blox didn't explode at retail during its first month on the market — selling some 60,000 copies in the…
When EA's Boom Blox didn't appear in the top ten best selling games for the month of May, we were puzzled. When it…
Director Steven Speilberg is known for crafting some seriously intense, gut-wrenching cinematic scenes. But those…
Boom Blox is an odd creation. It's a casual game created with the help of a director known for the stories his…