Following Variety's story early this morning that Zack Snyder, the man behind such films as The Dawn of the Dead and 300, has signed a deal with EA to make three games, comes the official announcement. Filmmaker Snyder, whose latest project is the movie adaptation of Watchmen, will be working with EA Los Angeles, the same studio which worked with Steven Spielberg on Boom Blox. Under the agreement with Cruel & Unusual Film, EA will own the rights to the games which they will develop, publish and distribute worldwide. EA and Snyder will also work to "extend the game franchises into theatrical motion pictures.""I think video games are cool because they offer an opportunity to tell a story in an entirely unique way, said Zack Snyder. "Being a long time fan of the games EA creates, I look forward to collaborating with them." Frank Gibeau, President of EA Games Label said, "Zack Snyder has a fresh and bold creative style that resonates with our core audience. Zack is the perfect partner for joining us in creating powerful new interactive fiction."
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