Despite video games’ best efforts to make me spend my time staring down at the floor and picking up random junk, I keep looking up to the skies above and the stars beyond. 2019 was full of lovely depictions of both.
This is the third annual collection of video game skies, and each year I’m amazed by just how many good ones there are. This year was no different, full of beautiful gradients, blazing sunsets, and trippy space-scapes. As this console generation comes in for a landing, the sky-tech is on full blast, in cutting edge blockbusters and indie games alike. But every year far more games come out than I could possible ever play, and even enlisting the help of my Kotaku colleagues, there are still plenty of games with dazzling sights that didn’t make it into this year’s roundup. So please dig through your screen cap archives and join me in the comments below to share some of your personal favorite skies from 2019.
The Long Dark

The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr

The Stillness Of The Wind

The Division 2


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Days Gone

Life Is Strange 2

Rage 2

Outer Wilds


Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers

Gears 5


Concrete Genie

Borderlands 3

Hitman 2

The Outer Worlds

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep

Grand Theft Auto Online

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Death Stranding

The Touryst

Shenmue III

Shovel Knight: King of Cards