To: Luke
From: Owen
Re: Reportage
I've been trying to sell my old TV, which is a nice HD screen but it's big and heavy and about four years old. Friday I got a call from a guy up in Sacramento, which is more than five hours round trip, wanting to look at it. He didn't speak English natively, and I tried to convince him that, maybe this wasn't such a good idea, that he was bound to find a better deal locally without spending so much time and gas. But he insisted. When he got here, I was greeted by a guy who looked like one of Nico Bellic's shipmates. And he proceeded to hook up a modded Xbox (I'm thinking it was an X-Killer chip) to it to test out the picture (He played a copied version of Max Payne). And here's the kicker: He didn't buy it. At $125. Didn't like the picture quality, and he drove all the way back to Sacramento. Weird.
UPDATE: Wow. OK, I feel compelled to add to this, just so no one fears for my safety or property. Or thinks I'm that much of a naive imbecile. There were some parts to this story I withheld for poetic license. You should know the guy didn't buy my TV because he in fact came down to check out it and one other - and bought it, a Sony (mine was a Philips, so, definitely inferior.) I saw the TV in his truck. He called me twice, the second time was after the ad expired. So I'd talked him out of it the first time. He never did anything in my apartment other than examine the TV and how it displayed the modded Xbox. He felt so bad about wasting my time he offered to pay me $25. I refused. And finally, I'm unemployed and I'm here 24/7, practically. Plus, this place is so ghetto all the burglars who live here would chase off and beat the shit out of any out of town competition.
Sheesh. But glad to know everyone cares! And I like the idea of someone sneaking in and stealing three items worth $120, San Andreas-style.
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